
Good Neighbors supports to ensure all children have inclusive and equal opportunities for quality education and dream of a better life.

People Enjoy the Right to Education

Education is not only a human right in itself, but an essential right to realize other human rights. In addition, education is an opportunity for individuals to develop their own abilities and improve their quality of life, and is the cornerstone of self-empowerment.

However, despite the efforts of the international community and many others, ensuring access to quality education still remains a big challenge. Particularly, in many developing countries, although the enrolment rate in primary schools has increased, but the graduation rate is still low.

Good Neighbors will endeavour to ensure that children have access to quality public education regardless of gender, and that support adults to enjoy the right to education.

Our Focus on Education

Ensuring quality education for all

Every child, regardless of gender, economic or social situation, should have their right to obtain quality education ensured. In order to ensure such access, we support parents and other caregivers understanding the need for child education. We assist in creating better school environments and developing teacher capacities, especially in addressing obstacles to girls’ education.

Enabling access to lifelong education

Adults unable to receive a proper education may lack basic literacy and numeracy skills, which limit their capacity to bargain at the market, engage in bank transactions, or effectively interact and communicate with others. Therefore, we provide a variety of training to adults to provide opportunities to learn these skills and empower themselves.

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