Economic Empowerment

Good Neighbors builds a sustainable social economy ecosystem to develop communities and to resolve economic problems identified in the communities where we work.

People achieve economic capacity development through solidarity and cooperation

In order to create ‘a world without hunger, where people live in harmony‘, we need to achieve not only social empowerment but economic empowerment. We believe that economic poverty is not solely the result of individual inactivity or incompetence but is, in fact, caused by socio-economic challenges which contributes to a cycle of poverty for many individuals.

Our initiatives have focused much on breaking this vicious cycle of poverty. In order to achieve self-reliance of the the people suffering from poverty, we have supported various income generation activities throughout the world. We will continue to increase the economic capacity of individuals and further stimulate the social economy in order to achieve economic self-reliance through solidarity and cooperation.

Our Focus on Social Economy

Promoting social economy for people

Social economic activities in GN value people more than profit. Thus we promote the establishment of democratic decision-making processes in social economy organizations in order to promote fair distribution. Furthermore, our work with long-term partnerships helped equip organizations with the necessary expertise to improve market competitiveness and increase income.

Improving people’s economic capacity in field

Along with promoting the social economy, we also work with people in poverty to improve their productive skills and increase their financial and material access. Enabling financial access has provided more opportunities for people to enhance their economic capacity.

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Letter from Niger – Peter’s Story

This project supports the livelihood of PoCs under the Emergency Evacuation Transit Mechanism (ETM) and helps them to learn job skills through vocational trainings. In 2017, UNHCR established ETM to evacuate and facilitate the processing of the most vulnerable refugees trapped in detention in Libya.

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