
2023 Good Neighbors Global Annual Report

Published by Good Neighbors Global Partnership Center

The world is facing unprecedented complex disasters and poverty issues. Climate change, conflict, and economic crisis are interconnected, threatening the lives of our neighbors. Particularly in 2023, we experienced an increase in large-scale natural disasters. Despite these challenges, Good Neighbors has continually extended a helping hand to help them reclaim their normal lives. In 2023, driven by our mission, Good Neighbors united with 5,856,520 children and community members, 1,525,432 people in urgent humanitarian needs, and 798,066 enablers, including staff, volunteers, experts, and committed donors. Joining forces, we empowered people, transformed communities, and overcame challenges.

These efforts have been made possible through collaboration and solidarity with individual sponsors, companies, governments, and global partners, all of whom are active under the Good Neighbors name around the world. We extend a special thank you to everyone who has willingly cooperated and resonated with our Good Neighbors Movement. Our commitment to this mission will continue until we achieve a world where people live in harmony.

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