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Good Neighbors Paraguay

Good Neighbors launched its initial intervention with a project supporting vulnerable adolescents in San Lorenzo with vocational trainings in the Pedagogical Coexistence Center  Ñemity “Jorge Patiño Palacios”, in collaboration with Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). Since then, Good Neighbors has implemented community development projects and diverse programs in the country, which promote and protect the rights of children and adolescents. In 2017, the Good Neighbors Paraguay Association was formed, being an association with restricted capacity, aligning with Good Neighbors’ mission and values.

There are currently 5 community development projects in the towns of: Areguá, San Lorenzo, Mariano Roque Alonso, Puerto Antequera (San Pedro) and Eusebio Ayala (Cordillera). Our programs focus on: education, water and sanitation, food security and nutrition, promotion of children and adolescents’ rights, economic empowerment, inclusive communities, sustainable environment, and emergency aid. We have impacted the lives of over 7,000 boys, girls, and adolescents through these programs.

Our Actions

We improve the quality of life and promote child rights: This includes improving: quality on child rights fulfillment in the community, protection from violence among children in the supported community, access to quality education among children in the community, and health status of children in the community.

We reduce inequality and foster resilience in local communities: This includes increasing well-being of families in the community, strengthening risk management committees for emergency prevention in local governments, enhancing policy making on agendas relating with GN Paraguay’s program, strengthening DME and improve results-based, and strengthening the transparency of financial management

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