Disaster Preparedness

Good Neighbors establish an international cooperation system and emergency relief response on a regular basis to minimize damage through immediate response in countries where disasters occur frequently and support community people to quickly recover.

People are protected from disasters

Disasters lead to human and economic losses and damages in infrastructure. Especially the effects of accelerating climate change escalate the frequency and magnitude of disasters and widening affecting areas where we thought were once safe. Communities that do not have proper resources to prepare are the most vulnerable to disasters, and often times the majority of victims are children, women, and the poor.

Disasters recovery is critical but often neglected. Tens of millions of refugees who have left their homes for naturalisasters and conflicts are in many parts of the world.

We will make the community build the capacity to prevent disasters and minimize the damage. We will support and protect those who suffer from disasters. We will provide assistance to the victims for their rapid recovery to daily life. Refugees’ rights are also our concern. We will provide assistance for refugees to be able to enjoy their rights and strengthen their self-reliance.

Our Focus on disaster relief work

Enabling communities to be resilient against disasters

We work with the community to build the capacity to prepare for disasters and minimize the damage. Focus is placed on raising people’s awareness of disasters, and developing community-based actions for disaster preparedness, which helps the communities become resilient.

Supporting people to recover from disasters

We support and and protect those who suffer from disasters. We make sure that the necessary aid is available to the victim as soon as possible in the event of a disaster. In addition, we will provide assistance to the victims for their rapid recovery to daily life.

Ensuring refugees’ rights

We provide assistance for refugees to be able to enjoy their rights and strengthen their self-reliance. We will engage in activities to ensure the refugees’ right to life and health. Furthermore, we will strengthen their self-reliance through livelihood and capacity building activities.

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