Vecinii Buni

Good Neighbors launched its mission in Romania in March 2022, amidst the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine. To support safe mobility and protection, Good Neighbors swiftly mobilized an emergency response team to Suceava (Siret), Galați (Isaccea), and Constanța areas and provided transportation services, cash vouchers, and psychosocial support for people fleeing from the conflict, especially children and women. Good Neighbors collaborated with UNICEF in UNHCR’s Blue Dots Hubs to help the psychosocial recovery of children crossing borders in a child-friendly space.

In the subsequent year, Good Neighbors, registered under the name Vecinii Buni, established a permanent office in Romania, recognizing the enduring needs of settled migrants and the importance of stable supply of relief goods such as food items and medicine to Ukraine. Vecinii Buni has worked with diverse grassroots organizations to build their capacity in response to humanitarian needs and coordinates inter-agency operations, continuing its mission in Galați.

Currently, Good Neighbors Romania (Vecinii Buni) is making good changes in the seven project sectors across the diverse regions beyond Romania and into Ukraine, including Galati and Suceava in Romania and Odesa, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Dnipropetrivsk and Kyiv in Ukraine. In collaboration with esteemed partners like the Ministry of Foreign Affair of Japan and the Japan Platform, we continue to strive for empowering people and transforming communities.

Our Actions

Protection of Refugee and Internally Displaced People (IDPs) Children: We ensure the safety, well-being, and educational development of refugee children. Our initiatives include providing psychosocial support and child-friendly spaces, along with extracurricular classes for refugee children, aiming to foster a secure environment and promote educational continuity.

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS): We generally aim at preventing the onset or increase of psychological distress, or specifically aim at treating mental health conditions.

Provision of Safe Drinking Water: We rehabilitate and reconstruct damaged water supply facilities in war-affected areas of Ukraine for the sustained provision of safe water.

Cash Based Interventions (CBI): We enhance the purchasing power of war-affected people, enable households to establish their own priorities and give them the choice as to the items they need.

Shelter Provision: We improve shelters facilities, ensuring refugees have access to secure and adequate living conditions.

Capacity Building: We strengthen the capabilities of local partner organizations for effective humanitarian response. We conduct training programs including child safeguarding and psychosocial support, enhancing their ability to respond to humanitarian needs effectively.

Coordination and Partnership: We ensure cohesive and efficient humanitarian interventions through collaboration. We coordinate with inter-partners and UN agencies, facilitating integrated efforts to maximize the impact of our interventions.

Our interventions are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Overall, we have contributed to 4 of the 17 goals, with the largest contributions being to SDGs 3 (good health and well-being), 6 (Clean water and sanitation), 10 (reduced inequalities), and 17 (partnership for goals).

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