Good Neighbors International (Rwanda)

Good Neighbors launched its mission in Rwanda in 1994 amidst one of the gravest humanitarian crises of our time. As the country was experiencing unprecedented turmoil, we swiftly mobilized our organization’s first emergency relief team to the refugee camps in Goma, Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo), in August to provide timely and life-saving assistance. This demonstrated our commitment to serving people in critical need.

By 1995, recognizing the need to make a lasting impact, we established a field office in Kigali. Transitioning from initial emergency relief efforts, Good Neighbors Rwanda embraced an initiative of sustainable, systematic support, becoming one of the first countries for our community development projects. These projects are characterized by a community-inclusive and holistic approach to achieve self-reliance in communities.

Currently, Good Neighbors Rwanda is making positive changes in six project areas, implementing various programs based on child sponsorship. These programs include child protection, education, health, water and sanitation, income generation, advocacy, and partnerships. As of 2024, our projects cover 22 out of 30 districts. In collaboration with esteemed partners like the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), the UN World Food Programme (WFP), the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), SBS, Community Chest of Korea, LG, Hyosung, various enterprises, and individual donors, we continue to strive to empower people and transform communities.

Our Actions

Good Neighbors Rwanda strives to create a conducive environment to protect children’s rights and improve the socioeconomic status of the community.

  • Child Protection (Case Management) and Advocacy: We are dedicated to child protection and advocacy. We enroll children in child protection programs for education and well-being through home visits and case management for basic needs. We also advocate for child rights and legal identity, promoting a nurturing environment.
  • Education: We support children’s right to education by constructing classrooms and dining rooms, supporting basic education including nursery teachers, school fees, uniforms, and educational materials. We also improve the quality of education through teacher training and teaching materials.
  • Health: We provide food and support school feeding programs. We empower communities with training and kitchen gardens, support medical treatments and health checkups, provide health insurance, enhance health education, and construct health centers.
  • Water and Sanitation (WASH): We enhance water and sanitation programs by constructing water facilities, water tanks, and handwashing facilities. We empower communities through training and materials, promote gender equality with safe sanitation facilities, and improve public health through waste management.
  • Income generation: We foster sustainable economic growth and livelihoods through various activities. By providing livestock, veterinary services, loans, and agricultural support, we enhance food security, economic opportunities, and sustainable farming. We also support cooperatives, aiming to end poverty and promote resilience.

To enable these initiatives, we build strong partnerships with United Nations agencies, civil society organizations, central and local governments, community leaders, schools, health centers, and various stakeholders. Aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), these collaborations enhance our programs in education, health, water and sanitation, and economic development (SDGs 3, 4, 10), promote sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation (SDGs 2, 15), and strengthen global partnerships (SDG 17).

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