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Good Neighbors Rwanda

Good Neighbors launched its mission in Rwanda in 1994, amidst one of the gravest humanitarian crises of our times. As the country was suffering from unprecedented turmoil, we swiftly mobilized the organization’s historic first emergency relief team to the refugee camps in Goma city, Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo) in August, to provide timely and life-saving assistance, demonstrating our commitment to serve people in critical need.

By 1995, recognizing the enduring needs of making lasting impact, we established a permanent office in Kigali. Transitioning from initial emergency relief efforts, Good Neighbors Rwanda embraced an initiative of sustainable, systematic support, becoming among the first countries for our community development projects, which are characterized by a community-inclusive and holistic approach to achieve self-reliance of communities.

Currently, Good Neighbors Rwanda is making good changes in the six project areas across the diverse districts, including Gasabo, Kamonyi, Gisagara, Nyamagabe, Nyaruguru, and Karongi. In collaboration with esteemed partners like the UN World Food Programme (WFP) and the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), we continue to strive for empowering people and transforming communities.

Our Actions

  • Child sponsorship: supportin 9,000 sponsored children
  • Education : School construction and renovation, provision of school fees, uniforms and supplies, nursery teacher training, literacy class, vocational training for youth,
  • WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) : Improvement of water resources, latrine and school hand-wash stands, WASH education and training
  • Health : Nursery school feeding programs, medical check-up and health insurance for sponsored children, kitchen garden projects
  • Income Generation : Green house tomatoes project, Micro finance, cooperative development, a dairy project, livestock projects agriculture based income generation project (maize, beans, and etc), and marshland feasibility studies
  • Advocacy: Peace education (Peace clubs), Campaigns for child right and women
  • Governance : Collaboration and partnership with various stakeholders for children, education, agriculture, community-driven community development
  • WFP Saemaul Zero Hunger Communities Project (2nd phase, scale-up) : productive assets development (marshland and hillside, road improvement, warehouse, slaughter house, livestock market and etc.), and emphasis on income generation activities, community-based planning and capacity building of community and local government in Kamegeri sector in Nyamagabe district

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