Strengthening Rwandan Agriculture with UN World Food Programme (WFP)

Kigali, May 28, 2024 – Good Neighbors Rwanda successfully conducted the onboarding training for the Farmer Service Center (FSC) as part of the Shora Neza Project, in collaboration with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).

The Shora Neza Project is dedicated to bolstering food systems and creating robust employment opportunities for young people in Rwanda by fostering strong, interconnected, and efficient agricultural value chains. This initiative, operational in 15 districts across Rwanda, leverages the Farm to Market Alliance (FtMA), a global consortium of six public and private organizations, and is supported by the Mastercard Foundation.

The onboarding sessions engaged 600 selected FSCs, comprising predominantly young people and women. The training provided a comprehensive overview of the FSC model, income diversification strategies, agricultural operation methods, and value chain development. Participants learned about farmer registration, fostering trust in rural communities, and building cooperative networks with market actors and financial service providers.

Good Neighbors Rwanda is set to support 600 FSCs by 2026 to serve as crucial links between farmers and suppliers, service providers, and buyers, effectively closing the gap within agricultural value chains.

Ms. Minjung Kim, the representative of Good Neighbors Rwanda, expressed optimism about the project’s potential impact: “Through this initiative, we aim to address the pressing challenges of enhancing agricultural production in Rwanda. By improving product quality, strengthening post-harvest management, and expanding market access, we are committed to empowering young people and women in the agriculture sector. With continued support, this project will significantly contribute to creating job opportunities.”

The organization plans to continue its efforts to enable Rwandan youth and women to become leading contributors to the agricultural sector, thereby solving local food issues and aiding in the broader development of domestic agriculture industry.

Good Neighbors launched its mission in Rwanda in 1994 amidst one of the gravest humanitarian crises of our time. As the country was experiencing unprecedented turmoil, we swiftly mobilized our organization’s first emergency relief team to the refugee camps in Goma, Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo), in August to provide timely and life-saving assistance. This demonstrated our commitment to serving people in critical need.

By 1995, recognizing the need to make a lasting impact, we established a field office in Kigali. Transitioning from initial emergency relief efforts, Good Neighbors Rwanda embraced an initiative of sustainable, systematic support, becoming one of the first countries for our community development projects. These projects are characterized by a community-inclusive and holistic approach to achieve self-reliance in communities.

Currently, Good Neighbors Rwanda is making positive changes in six project areas, implementing various programs based on child sponsorship. These programs include child protection, education, health, water and sanitation, income generation, advocacy, and partnerships. As of 2024, our projects cover 22 out of 30 districts. In collaboration with esteemed partners like the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), the UN World Food Programme (WFP), the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), SBS, Community Chest of Korea, LG, Hyosung, various enterprises, and individual donors, we continue to strive to empower people and transform communities.

For further information, please contact:

Good Neighbors Country Website