Good Neighbors 30th Anniversary: From Korea to the world, “We are Good Neighbors
Good Neighbors is an international humanitarian development NGO founded in 1991, to make the world a place without hunger, where people live together in harmony. Year 2021 marks the 30th anniversary of Good Neighbors and it is meaningful to take a leap forward for the next 30 years by looking back on the achievements from its foundation to the present.
Let us introduce the remarkable milestones that Good Neighbors has come through.
The establishment of Korean native NGO leading the Changes – Foundation of Good Neighbors

Good Neighbors began in 1991 with a mission to lead this change in the era. It was the moment when Korea’s native NGO Good Neighbors took its first step. Good Neighbors, which started with 128 donors at the time of its foundation, is now making ‘good changes for the world’ with 590,000 donors from 47 countries around the world.
Facing the reality of poverty in underprivileged neighbors’ lives – The first field country, Bangladesh

A year after foundation, Good Neighbors headed to Bangladesh for the first community development project. Good Neighbors passed on Korean agricultural technology know-how to the people in the poorest and disaster prone area called Chilmari district, and established a protection center in the underprivileged community in capital city of Bangladesh, Dhaka.
Good Neighbors’ vision of helping the world has become a reality, and now it has achieved quantitative and qualitative growth in international development cooperation projects to the extent that they are on par with the world’s leading NGOs. Currently, Good Neighbors is working in 212 communities in 39 countries in pursuit of comprehensive community development with an emphasis on the rights of the child.
Good Neighbors runs to wherever needs help – Emergency Relief in Somalia & Rwanda

In 1993, Good Neighbors implemented its first emergency response operation in Somalia and deployed the first medical emergency response team to Goma, Zaire in 1994 among Korean humanitarian NGOs. Afterwards, we did not hesitate to give help to countries in emergency situations. Good Neighbors’ emergency response operations have been pursuing a swift return to the daily life of community people and sustainable reconstruction in a long-term perspective beyond temporary one-time support. Thus, Good neighbors was able to implement community development projects led by community people based on network and partnership with local communities and authorities.
Granted general consultative status with UN for the first time in Korean civil society

Good Neighbors was granted a general consultative status with United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC) in 1996 in recognition of valuable efforts in improving peoples’ lives over the world.
On August 26, Good Neighbors was accredited the consultative status for the first time in Korea at the World NGO Committee held at the UN headquarter in New York. It has been only five years since the organization was established, but it has been recognized for its expertise in international relief development projects in Bangladesh and Rwanda.
Good Neighbors’ contribution to the second goal of MDGs

Good Neighbors has made efforts to provide educational opportunities for children in developing countries with the belief that “Education eradicates poverty”. Our contribution was acknowledged at the 2007 United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Awards as we conduced to the second goal of MDGs, “achieving universal elementary education” among NGOs.
Established 100 Hope Schools for children in Africa

The project to build 100 hope schools across the Africa continent was launched in 2009 with Korean Broadcast ‘Hope TV SBS’ and 6 NGOs. This project aimed to expand educational opportunities and enhance the quality of education for African children suffering from poverty, hunger, and conflicts. Good Neighbors has established a total number of 52 schools and media centers and finally celebrated the completion of the 100th school, Kwarara Tumaini Secondary School & Media Education Center, in Zanzibar, Tanzania. By providing a pleasant environment and education, which are the rights of children, Good Neighbors hopes to empower children to reach their full potential.
Good Neighbors helps sustainable development and self-reliance beyond emergency relief – COVID-19 Response

In the current pandemic situation over the globe, Good Neighbors immediately started to support children and families who need help. We established global strategies to respond to COVID-19, focusing on 39 field countries around the world. Our organization will continue to help our neighbors suffering from COVID-19 so that they can create a sustainable future.
30 years from Korea to the world,
Good Neighbors makes good changes for the world
Now, we would like to start a new campaign to celebrate our 30th anniversary. Please check this link to learn more.