
Good Neighbor International (Korea)

Good Neighbors International, a founding organization of the Good Neighbors Global Partnership, was established in 1991 in South Korea, marking the beginning of Good Neighbors’ journey to make the world free from hunger, where people live in harmony.

Since its establishment, Good Neighbors has supported underserved communities regardless of ethnicity, religion, ideology, or geographical boundaries. Beginning with its first international project in Bangladesh in 1992, the organization has been steadfastly committed to improving child rights and fostering self-reliant communities in over 50 countries, reaching out to the most vulnerable people. Furthermore, it has responded to the most gravest humanitarian crises, from those in Somalia in 1993 and Rwanda in 1994 to those in Ukraine in 2022 and Türkiye and Syria in 2023.

It has also addressed domestic issues such as child abuse, advocating for social change when the issue was not yet widely recognized. By creating a hotline for reporting abuse and implementing an integrated child protection system, Good Neighbors has raised public awareness and contributed to changes in relevant laws. Currently, it operates 37 child protection centers and 11 shelters for abused children in Korea, leading advocacy activities for child rights.

Good Neighbors International is recognized for its transparent and accountable operations by governmental and private organizations, including Guide Star Korea. As an official and founding member of the Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation (KCOC), it fosters collaboration among like-minded organizations.

Our Actions

Community Development Project (International)

We assist communities in achieving sustainable development through an integrated and specialized approach in areas such as education, healthcare, water and sanitation, income generation, and advocacy. This is facilitated by community-driven decision-making through community-level committees. In particular, Good Neighbors International runs the Child Sponsorship Program, where a donor supports a designated child in the long term, providing essential services for their development and a safety net for the most vulnerable children. It also contributes to community development activities, as the challenges these children face are complex, and no single intervention can create a lasting impact on their lives.

Protection of Abused Children (Domestic)

We provide comprehensive case management services, including counseling and therapy for abused children to help protect children from abuse and trainings for their families to restore their function. Good Neighbors was the first non-governmental organization operating a child abuse counseling center in 1996, before child protection system was established in Korea, recognizing the seriousness of child abuse and conducting various activities to protect children and prevent abuse. With the changes in the child protection system in October 2020, child protection centers have specialized in in-depth case management. We are conducting programs to prevent child abuse by strengthening family function recovery and preventing re-abuse.

Global Citizenship Education

We help young people grow into proactive global citizens who respect diversity, value human rights, and establish principles of coexistence and cooperation for a sustainable global community. Through real-time and non-real-time blended exchange activities, we enable children and youth, as future leaders, to recognize and empathize with major global issues and seek solutions through active solidarity and practical activities.

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